To be able to properly understand and relate to what exactly intercultural communication was I had to read chapter one of the thirteenth editions of Intercultural Communication written by Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter and Edwin R. McDaniel.  

I was anxious to finish the chapter because I had expectations and couldn’t wait to see them met but as usual I was disappointed because the writers where Europeans and that reflected largely in the text.

Even though I knew the writers before I begun reading I was expecting that the issues the text was going to address where indeed going to cut across a numbers of cultures from different parts of the world since that is what it’s supposed to be.

After reading chapter one of the text I came to the conclusion that I would only continue reading because I need the information to build my point but not because I  see myself in the text,  I think it’s was written for some particular people because I could not relate to it and therefore felt strange to the word Intercultural Communication or thought that I didn’t understand it.

So than the question I want to ask is do we really have text written by Africans that are largely dominated by their culture, religion and politics that have been accepted by educationist and successive government as an educational text?  Or it is available for those who to read to do so?

In summery I think I want to finish this text so I can give a comprehensive criticism about it and the way forward but the fact still remains that am reading because I need to make my point.


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