Good Bye

                    Tantra Hill
                      Block C4
                      31st Dec. 2016.

Dear Friend,

I hope this finds you well?

Friendship is 2 ways and must be mutual, it grows when you appreciate the little things life teaches you through these friends.

The year has been great with lots of ups and downs but am glad I met you in the process. I have learnt a lot from you and I must say knowing you is one adventure I don't regret!

Though we all human its obvious we are of different species hence our behavior towards each other.

Thanks to you I now understand that most of the valuable things we give or receive in life are intangible, therefore can't be qualified but the absence thereof creates a vacuum.

As the year ends I wish you the very best in 2017 and my instincts tells me your soul is in search, may you find what you looking for and the joy that comes with it.

Best regards
Your former shagmate


  1. I chanced on this letter and I loved the content so thought should share with you. Lol


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